Out here on the Bundy Ranch our family has worked for generations raising beef for the American people to enjoy at their dinner tables. Hauling cattle and horses all over the Bundy Ranch we needed an exhaust brake that would slow our trucks down under heavy loads and hold up to the harsh conditions of on and off-road ranch use. We also wanted it to be simple to install and easy to use. The exhaust brakes on the market at the time would not hold up to ranch use and were not simple and easy to install. So with a bit of ingenuity, some good technology, our fair share of trial and error and lots of real ranch testing, we developed a superior brake that not only works to safely and effectively slow trucks down, but holds up to harsh conditions and is simple to install and easy to use.

Since our start we have been invited to show off our brake in the SEMA truck show and other events around the U.S.

Our brake fits on nearly any diesel truck, holds up to harsh conditions, provides the right amount of back pressure to enhance your truck’s braking performance, and is simple to install and easy to use.

We are happy to share our success in strong, smooth braking power with you. No more puckering down steep hills!

© 2024 - 2025 Bundy Motors